Thursday, July 7, 2016

Happy Love Poem pt. II

It got Hannah first.  The vicious beast chasing us killed her, but doesn't stop as it pursues us across the levitating hallway we sprint through.  At this point, I realize that Joseph has been separated from us.  I can't think about it too much, I only hope he's somewhere better.
It becomes evident that the only way out of this hallway is jumping from it at the exit, we are approaching. The ocean is below us, but there's a large rock the size of one's bedroom that we can possibly land on.
I wish I could say my heart is racing at this point, or that I'm full of adrenaline.  But I'm not.  I'm terrified, I'm in shock.  We leap from the hallway and land on the rock, and I know that we aren't going to survive this.  It's hopeless.
Baylie doesn't make it.  I don't know if she's killed by the monster or the fall, but she's gone.  Nick, Grace, Ethan, and I make pathetic attempts to avoid the beast's attacks.  But we know we're not getting out of this one.
There's a bamboo forest across the water a couple yards away, but alligators stand in the way, starting to climb to our platform.
"I'm gonna buy you some time," Nick shouts as water sprays up behind him.  "Ethan, just make sure to protect Grace."
I know he means long-term.
He launches himself towards the beast, struggling against it.  It works, we have more time.  Ethan protects Grace from the threats as much as he can, but... There's only so much one can do..
Grace is gone.
I don't know what happens, because the ground begins to shake violently.  I fall from the rock, down, down, until I don't know what's happening anymore.  Out of nowhere, I see that I'm inside of an old car, which is buried underground.
Suddenly, I'm flashed forward a day or two into the future.  I find myself with Rebekah and the Doctor.  He doesn't seem himself at all, however.  Probably too distressed.  Somehow I know that Alex has died, and we're here to find out how. Maybe.  We've come upon this large, vacant, parking garage filled with empty cars.  Old cars, too, looking like they've survived the apocalypse.
I discover Alex's sunglasses sitting on top of one of the cars.  I call over Rebekah and Eleven, and Rebekah picks up the sunglasses with a distant look in her eyes.  She and the Doctor begin talking quietly, and I wander off.  In a few minutes, I notice the car I remember being trapped in underground.  There are three bumps on the dash of the car, each blinking a green light.  Somehow I know that each of these is a voicemail from Joseph.  So naturally, I play them.
"Hey Emily, this is Joseph, where are you?  I got separated from the group somehow.  Are you okay?  Just give me a call back, when you get the chance."
"Emily, where are you?  The others are all dead.  I need to know where you are.  I love you.  Call me back."
"Emily, something told me to try one more time.  Please be alive.  If you are getting these, I need you to respond.  I love you."
All at once, I saw things playing out before me, though they weren't really there.  I saw Joseph on the phone, leaving the last voice message, sitting all alone without any sign of life around him.  The place in which he sat was desolate and post-apocalyptic looking, too.  After he left the message, he put his phone down and waited.  And waiting.  Then he put his head in his hands for a while.  Another moment passed, and he reached for the gun by his side.  I watched in agony as he placed it to the roof of his mouth and pulled the trigger.
Suddenly, I flash back to the current moment, and wake up inside the buried car, regaining consciousness.  I see the messages flashing on the dash and realize with terror that Joseph has just killed himself.  And there's nothing I can do about it.
The last thing I see is a bird's eye view of the scene.  It replays.  I see where Joseph sits, trying to call me.  Then I see the spot where I know my car is buried underground, not ten yards from him.  Then I watch again as he shoots himself, and I was only unconscious.

It takes me a long time to wake up from this dream.  Everything is fuzzy for a while, and I have a dream about telling my nightmare to Mom.  Then, thankfully, I snap out of it and sit up, hugging my knees and telling myself that he's still alive.

He's still alive.

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